Farieda Kim
Annyeong ! Welcome to my blog ^^
Just want to say that I'm a Kpop Lover..I'm so addicted with Kpop since forever =)
I love all Kpop group but the mostly is Super Junior and also Ukiss ^^
Love all their song and also their member..Hehehe =)
I'm so in love with Lee Hyukjae and Yeo Hoonmin a lot !
Btw, I'm created this blog just because I want to share my favourites in Kpop world or maybe something else than Kpop..
And if you can see I'm very addicted with it..jinjja !
Lastly, I just want to thank you guys that viewed and read my blog..
Enjoy, okay ?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hang Out with Secret Admirer !

안녕 하세요 !

I'm back again after being hiatus for a long time...
And yeah...a bit busy..whaaaat ? a bit ? aniyaa...it's soo much busy other than anyone else..
But right now...I mean tonight...I have a bit time to update my beloved blog...
I miss you, bloggie...sorry for ignorance that I made...I will never do that again...

Btw...I really feel sad right now...about boys for sure...
It's not I've got cheated by him...but...you know what I mean ?
I'm not good with this love things and what so ever...
But, I met him when he came to my office to do an audit..and I think he's really kind..
Me and him talked about stuffs...about me going to Korea before...

And just like last friday...he whatsapp me because he wants to have a lunch with me..
I just saying yes since I like him for the first day...
Yesterday, we promised to met at Empire Subang to have lunch..
He a bit late since he have an activity at Bukit Jalil called Walk For Life...
But it's okay and I forgive him...the spoiled thing that he makes is he introduced me to his friends...
I don't like his friend since he always talked about the program...that I think I'm not interested with it..
But he kept push and push me to joined with his business...

For a while I met his friends...and we make a decision to go for a lunch..
He choose Teh Tarik Place since he really wants to eat Nasi Kerabu...
Love seeing him eating his food...and before that, I already thinked about how to make a payment..
Should we separated the bills or not ? But he's is really gentlemen...
The thing that I know that he already paid it..so nice, right ?
And we talked a lot about each other...about our family...how we work and so on...
I really love to talked with him if I have another chance...

The time that we going back and he said to me that he will be going to Bukit Jalil again..
To watch football...Malaysia VS Thailand...that time...it's started to rain like crazy..
And I just.. " Alamak ! macam mana nak balik ni ? " and he just said " Takpe..I anta you sampai komuter since I pon nak naik komuter jugak nak pergi Bukit Jalil ". I just okay with that...

In his car going to the komuter station..he talked to me that he doesn't know about my family situation..

Him : I taktau pon keadaan sampai macam tu sekali ?
Me : Yeah..I bukan apa..kadang2 org tak paham apa yang keadaan I..tu yang I sedih sikit..
Him : Maknanya tanggungjawab I untuk you memang besar..
Me : * shocked *

Omo ~ what did he said ? Am I hear it right ? Or I'm just dreaming ? okay...he said that he have a big responsibility for me..but I don't want to take it seriously...
Just the way that he said..he is very a gentlemen..and I know that it's really difficult to find a man like him anymore...a one in a million..I think !
The environment is really romantic...in his car...raining...and we get lost to find the way heading to Subang Station..
After we arrived and park your car at the station, you protected me when we walked to the station...
It's really nice of you lah, dear !

Yaaa...MRI, thanks for the sweet memories ever even I know that's gonna be the first and the last time for us going out together...because you are not mine...will never forget about you at all...

Kamsahamnida !!!

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !