Farieda Kim
Annyeong ! Welcome to my blog ^^
Just want to say that I'm a Kpop Lover..I'm so addicted with Kpop since forever =)
I love all Kpop group but the mostly is Super Junior and also Ukiss ^^
Love all their song and also their member..Hehehe =)
I'm so in love with Lee Hyukjae and Yeo Hoonmin a lot !
Btw, I'm created this blog just because I want to share my favourites in Kpop world or maybe something else than Kpop..
And if you can see I'm very addicted with it..jinjja !
Lastly, I just want to thank you guys that viewed and read my blog..
Enjoy, okay ?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Uteh, saengil chukahae :)

* Me and My Aunt, Uteh *

Annyeong :)
Haaa. okay !
Just want to talk about my aunty yang ni.
Because today is her Birthday yang ke...
Entah ! I pon x berapa nak ingat pulok :D
Tapi yang penting I ingat birthday Uteh hari ni, tau ? Hakhak.
Okay ! This picture taken mase my family and I balik Simpang hari tu :)
Are you still remember the post ? yang balik2 je dari Johor trus lepak Starbuck ?
Yup ! I remember ! But not you. Kompom korang x ingat kan ?
Haaa. kantoi sudah !

Btw, this is the one and only aunty yang suke wat lawak.
And I think kalau dier masuk raja lawak kompom buleh menang. hakhak.
(Urmm. tapi da lambat kot sbb raja lawak musim baru da start )
But, it's okay ! Buleh cube tahun depan pulok :D
I think this 5th February she should come to Shah Alam for a wedding ceremony.
But, the bad thing is my uncle x dapat cuti pulak time tu.
Then. we must cancel our appointment to gelak2 or whatsoever la kan ?
Huh ! x best ;(
Da ah ! Nanti tulis panjang2 I start merepek kompom korang malas nak bace lagi.
Bye Bye :( Jalga !

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

The spoiled day ! X suke okay ? :(

* Gambar perhiasan *

Hakhak. cam lawak je kan nak letak gambar segala :)
But, I like this picture so much. sbb time ni mate I cam lawa giler.
Dengan mengenakan eye liner tu. Perghh ! cam artis :D
But, muncung tu yang cam spoil sikit, kan kan ?
Da ah ! Abaikan sahaja gambar tu.

Btw, nak cerita bende yang I sangat x puas hati time keje tadi.
( Da kenape pulak Ms. Kim ni ? )
Mane tak nye, malam semalam ade pest control.
So, cashier midnight patot cam senang ah nak kemas2 segala.
Sebab kfc kene tutop buat sementara waktu.
But, ntah pape je la kan ?
Langsung time aku datang kol 8am tu.
Satu ape pon cam x siap.
Then. aku masuk2 je da kene buat catering.
Satu keje morning pon aku x sempat nak buat :(
Just doing the catering until 1pm.
Ooohhemmmjayyy ! Sangat penat tau ?
Pahtu da buat pe yang patot I pon pergi la break kan ?
Then, masuk2 je orang da buat I bad mood.
Erghh ! sangat x suke kalau ade orang buat I bad mood.
Nak pulak la kan ade catering lg, ngan box pon x buat lg.
Memang saje nak suh I naek hantu !
( Hantu pon x penah naek I tau ? )
And then, I'm just doing the box until 5pm.
The thing that I hate is bile orang laen yang buat salah.
I pulak yang kene ? You should check dlu la sebelum nak tuduh orang kan ?
Lastly, I tinggal kan je sume tu then balik.
I'm tired, tired and very the tired doing all the same thing.

p/s : Hope tomorrow will be the better day for me :)

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fun but a lil'bit bohringg !!

Bohringg ?
Sejak bile la kan Ms. Kim pandai boring. Hakhak.
Btw, keje td mcm biase je,
Part yang paling boring bile kene amek order catering. Arghh ! Tension tahu ?
Ntah pape je ntah !
Geram tau.

Then. my dance class hari ni pon a lil'bit boring.
Sebab cam hari ni Bayu ajar dance Zapin :)
Bukan boring ape pon, just bcause cam sblom ni ktorang dance lgu yg laju2 kan ?
But ari ni cam slow giler pahtu cam sikit je step dier.
But, it's really fun lah !
( Bayu jangan marah tau ? )
Bukan x suke Bayu ajar zapin, cume lagu dier cam slow.
I like music yang cam energy2 skit.hakhak.
You know what I mean ?
Wahh ! tapi yang paling penting dapat jumpe Bayu yang makin malatop tu !
Haa. dengan rambut yang lawa kebabow tu.
Hehehe. ( Bayu, I ikhlas okay ? )
X sabar nak tunggu dance class ari Isnin nanti :D

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ffuhhh !

Perghhh !
Penat giler hari ni :)
( Kenape Ms. Kim penat ? )
Hurmm. sebab tadi ade class percubaan untuk aerobik.
Ingat kan cam dance class tu la kan ?
But. Hamekkk kau !
Separuh maut jugak la aku ni. Mane x nye dalam sejam tu mmg non stop :)
Memang terbaek la ! Aku rase kalau hari2 camtu pahtu tengok dalam sebulan.
Kompom da kurus kering. Hakhak. ( Kering ke ? )
Urmm. but the class was very enjoy !
Then, you know what ?
After the aerobik class finish. Me and my mum go to my brother's house kat Sri Hijauan tu.
Btw, we should fetch my sister at KLIA. tapi cam kitorang ingat2 lupe jalan nak g situ.
And, that's why tpkse jumpe abang.
( Rase nye x tpkse kot sbb dapat jumpe Hana Topia ! )
Then, my brother sorang2 g amek adek.
Sbb my sis in law x brpe nak sihat then Hana pulak cam meragam kan ?
So, my mum terpkse jage Hana sampai dier tido.
I pon mase tgah sedap2 online tu tetibe cam ngantok giler then cam kepala ase pening.
Bile cam abang and adek da sampai tu mama terus ajak balik.
Time dalam kereta tu mmg haram la kan I nak sedar.
Hakhak. Sampai2 je rumah mmg tade ingat nak mandi segala.
Terus je naek atas masuk bilik and PAPP !
Tido la kan ? Ape lagi ?
Aigoo ~ I rase I tau sebab ape I cam ngantok giler sume tu.
Maybe sebab aerobik terlebih la kan ? Hakhak.
But, it's okay ! Yang penting kite ENJOY !! Yeay !

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Huh ?! tak best :(

Kenape x best ?
Urmm. because esok I da start keje.
Sangat x suke :)
Nak holiday lagi banyak banyak !
Puhlisssss !! cuti untuk seminggu ni ?
Ade x ?
Hahaha. nak kene sepak ngan Sir Aman ke ?
Aigoo~ cepat nye mase berlalu.
Da ah kerja morning. I hate morning :(
And I hate to wake up early. But yang best nye balik kerja cepat.
Tu je yang best :) hakhak.
Lastly, I hope tomorrow will be a better day for me :)
Aminn !

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Gewdik Santai :)

* Hirau kan gambar poyo ni *

Gambar ni time ade photoshoot dengan magazine :)
Nak tau magazine ape ?
Hunny. Funny. Bunny.
Macam pernah dengar je kan ?
Ekeke. mesti lah pernah kan ? For sure la my blog sendiri :)
Saje je gedikgedik nak photoshoot sendiri gune webcam.
That's why sebelum ni I cakap yang cuti lame sangat sampai tatau nak buat ape.
Halaa. yang post sebelum ni.
Cari sendiri la eh ?
( Tu ah ! sape suruh x follow kite ? )

How my dance class today ?
Okay ! love it ;)
Even my feet is injured. tade lah injured teruk sangat.
Just macam kulit kat tapak kaki tu terkoyak.
I thought melecet lah kan ?
Sebab banyak step yang kene pusing.
Lagi lagi la step for twist. Aigoo ~
Dengan laju nye lagi, terpakse la pakai kasut time dance td.
Kenape I x pakai kasut ?
Well well well.
Sebenarnya lagi senang dance kalau x pakai kasut
But if la korang pakai kasut yg khas untuk dance then it will be great :)
It's gonna be smooth je time korang dance tu and plus !
Tapak kaki korang takan hitam macam I hari hari :D
Eh eh ! Suke pulok dia !

Btw, I should go to the gym and workout for a while before waiting for my class.
But buleh la pulok I lepak and bergedik santai with my mum and Hana :)
Orang laen sume nye workout segala and like join other class yang Bootcamp tu kan ?
But I ? Buat class sendiri.
Sampai la orang kat situ cakap kat I yang dance class da start :)
Wahh Wahh Wahh !
I just love to dance * ting ting ting *
Nak wat cmne kan ??

- Gewdik Santai -
* Gambar hiasan je *
Tade kene mengena dengan dance class td, tahu ?
Ade makanan segala pulak kan ?

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Fantasy, My World :)

*the ring also included in my fantasy world*
wae ? cause it's from Micky :D

Yeah ! U go gurl :)
The truth is, before this u guys already read about my fantasy world.
U guys tatau ke ?
The dialogs between me and guys, the guys that I called my boyfies :)
Tu semua my fantasy lah.
Aigoo ~
But, I loike my fantasy world.
( Don't care about people laughing at me actually )
Fyi, not only me yang ada fantasy world ni :D
My friends yang memang rapat ngan I,
and off course the person yang love kpop so much.
Yeah yeah yeahh !
( Whatever ! )
Yang penting I happy.
Korang x happy ke ? Who cares ?

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Tuesday is my Off Day :)

Ni kenape Ms. Kim online ni ?
X keje eh ?
Buleh update blog and renovate blog segala :)
Fyi, I off day hari ni. weeehuuu.
Best giler..
Thats mean hari ni masuk 3 days I x keje.
Sangat la best sampai kat umah ni tatau nak buat ape :)
Actually, I nak g tengok wayang or shopping.
But, my mum said she wants to bring Hana home.
Halaa..tak kenal Hana ke ?
My niece yang comel tiut miut tu..
Kenal x ? kenal x ?
Maklum la. my mum rindu giler kat dier..
Walaupun 3 hari x jumpe. Erk ?
Macam lame la sangat kan ?

Okay !
Talk about my dance class pulok :)
Today, sepatotnya tade dance class.
Urmm..macam jadual biasa la kan ?
Just monday, wednesday and friday je..
But, according to Bayu.
There will be a replacement class..
Wah ! da macam blaja kat Unisel dolu dolu :D
I loikkeee !

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Monday, January 24, 2011

MC ? Wae ?!

I'm sick since Thursday last week.
Ottokhae ?
I already take an MC last Friday :(
And now I kena amek MC lagi skali on Sunday and Monday.
Because I x berapa nak sihat lagi sebenarnye..
Saturday tu pon seb bek cam okay lagi la kan ?
But after I amek ubat selsema yang my mum said it was good tu.
I suffer a lot time keje ari ahad..
Runny nose all the time, nose hurt so badly and headache.
Then, lucky to me that Sir Saiful bagi I surat untuk jumpa doktor..
But jauh giler tau ?
Ke Kapar sana. Hampir setengah jam jugak la kan ?
But it's worth it sbb I've got an MC for today.
X berapa nak worth it sangat la..
sebab bukan ko dpat gi mane mane pon, Ms Kim !
Just taking a good rest at home :)
and listening to this new cute song from Secret. Yeay !!

Enjoy !! :D

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My 100th Post :D

Yeayy !
It's already become 100th of my post :)
X sangka gak kan ?
Walaupun post da sampai 100 but my followers still kurang..
Haishh ! Can you tell me how to make more followers ?
Buleh x ? buleh x ?
Sebab cam jeles ah kan tengok blog orang laen sume cam hundred2 je followers..

Or should I ask my beloved kazlie how to make more people follow my blog ?
Or maybe people x follow my blog sebab x berapa nak interesting sangat ?
Ye ke ?
I thought it's about my life..
My everyday walaupun x everyday aku tulis blog ni :(
Urmm..tape tape..
I should be patience, aite ?
Maybe satu hari nanti ramai kot orang yg follow.
Amin !

For my friends and family that already became my followers..
Thanks guy ! Love ya :)

Fyi, cam biase..
I belum abes nak bermadah lagi tau ?
Jangan nak g mane mane puloks..
Just nak bagitau yang JYJ already released their music essay :)
Called ' Their Rooms '. Weehuuu.

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Friday, January 21, 2011

Intro to my Boyfies :)

Annyeong !
I'm back ;)
Btw, this post tade la 'Very The Important You' sangat.
But for my friends, Fahme yang minat giler giler about Kpop :)
( just like ME )
Dia nak tau who is Kpop male artist yang aku giler giler kan ?
Sampai buleh buat list :D
Fahme ! Introduce you to my boyfies :

Micky Yoochun from DBSK or JYJ :)

Kim Hyung Joon from SS501 :)

Eunhyuk from Super Junior :)

Park Jungmin from SS501 :)

Jun Hyung from Beast :)

Hyun Seung from Beast :)

Changmin from DBSK :)

Okay okay !
Fahme, I lied to you yang bile I cakap I ade 6 je skandal..
Sebenarnya ade 7.hehe.
X sengaja, lupe yang lagi sorang tu :)

Fyi, Fahme is my friends..
Just friends, tahu ?
Jangan fikir laen pulok..
I'm belong tu 7 of them ni..

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Ohhh Yeahhh :D

Korang kalau tengok tajuk tu mesti cam,
' Hey ! What happen to that girl ? '
Kan kan kann ?
Tanak ngaku puloks :)

Dah dahh. That's enough.
Sebenarnye just want to share with you guys about this :

Ting ***

Nak tau kenape tetibe cam I nak share about gmbr JYJ yang ni ?
( Halaaa. nak tunjuk gambar BF dia yang ensem la tu, kan ? )
No, no, no !
My answer is NO, okay ?
It's because in early of February I will get this.
Bukan percuma pon, I bayar tau !
I x teragak agak masa nak beli this JYJ Music Essay.
( Wahhh ! nak beli jugak !!! )
Fyi, they already closed the pre-order :)
But, it's okay !
You can find another item about Kpop things such as
Lightsticks, Dolls, another CD's..
Just do visit HERE and jangan malu malu untuk like this page, y'all :D

Haipp ! nak g mane tu ?
Belum abes cerita lagi, eh ?
Hehehe :)
( Omak aii ! Garangnye budak ni ! )
This is another Oh-I-Want-It-So-Badly.


Haaa. Sebelum korang tanye I ape bende ni..
Baek I jawab dulu, kan ?
Btw, this is Park Jungmin Photo Diary :)
Nak tau harga dia ?
Then, you should check HERE, too.
This diary baru je open the pre-order..
Pahtu, ape lagi ?
Korang perlulah segera ke page tu then order kat situ..
( Kalau nak beli la kan ? )
I pon dalam process nak beli Diary ni :)
Heh !

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Best Best :D

Best giler dance untuk hari ni, okay ?
Ingat kan kene joget lagu Justin Bieber tu lagi..
Sebab cam part chorus pon x masuk lagi kan ?
Tetibe hari ni masuk masuk je..
Bayu nak ajar joget twist..
Wahhh ! tapi ni bukan joget twist yg gune lagu dulu dulu tau ?
Skang kitorang da maju..
So, twist pon kene gune la lagu yang baru..
X sangka jugak tadi lagu untuk twist tu lagu favorite aku..
Erkk ? Favorite ke ? buleh la kot..
Tapi lagu dier cam chillekss pe..
Best jugak la walaupun lastly kaki da hitam semacam then melecet pulok kan ?
tapi bak kate Lo'real tu..
It's worth it !
Enjoy sakan la..
Tapi...esok tade class pulak..
Kena tunggu ari jumaat ni..
But I think and dengar Bayu cakap tadi.
Maybe ari jumaat ni dier nak sambung joget lagu Justin Bieber tu.
Harap2 dier ade soh try test lagu twist tu.

Btw, this is the song yang kitorang buat untuk joget twist..
Enjoy yaahh !!!

Travie McCoy - Will Be Alright :)

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

2011 will make a History :)

Wahh wahh !
Ape ni yang history sangat ni kan ?
Tade ape pon sbenarnye..
Just like I say macam kat bawah tu..
I've got so many good news ari ni :)
Today, our dear ELF friends told me that SS3 will be held on 19th March 2011..
at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil !
Yeeeehaaaa :D
Excited giler ba alip ba ya you know ?
Sebab cam akhirnya x sia sia aku tunggu..
Sanggup aku x pergi JYJ nye showcase and Kpop Party sume tu..
Just because of SS3..
And lastly, Yeayyy !

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

E.N.J.O.Y !

Dance class for this week sangat lah enjoy, tau ?
The truth is, every week punye dance class pon enjoy :)
Cume kali ni Bayu yang Da Boom Kebabow tu,
ajar kitorang Modern Hip Hop :D
Best giler, okay ?
Even nak separuh maut jugak la joget lagu laju tu.
This is the song yang buat kitorang sume joget ke LAUT :D

Bile dengar lagu ni sebenarnye tade la laju sangat, kan ?
But, bile dance ikot rentak dier..
Perrghhh..buleh semput la jugak :)
It's okay la Bayu !
Yang penting kite ENJOY and rileks sudey !!!

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Best Part In My Life :)

Woww !
Hari ni hari yang sangat baek untuk aku kot..
Sebab cam minggu ni aku dapat kerja morning..
Then, time aku kerja buleh pulok CER masuk check pe sume, kan ?
Aku and Kak Eira cam da gabra je..
Sebab kalau kantoi ape2 kat cashier kompom la aku yang kene..
Haishhh !
But, alhamdulillah sebab department cashier sume dalam keadaan yang baek :)

Yang paling best this part right here :)
Aku rase bangga sangat dengan diri sendiri..
Sebab sebelum ni aku kerja serba kekurangan..
Semua nya macam x betol bagi boss aku.
Aku x make up, buat kerja lambat..
But, akhirnya dari teguran boss aku..
Aku dapat improve cara kerja aku :)
Because I've got an
" S "
mase CER datang check td..
The most important thing, aku sorang je dapat..
But, bukan aku nak berlagak or something..
Cume aku x sangka..
Aku buat kerja tadi macam biase je kot..
Tapi maybe kat mate specialist tu aku speed
and cara aku prepare barang ikot procedure :)
Then. that's great !

Well, mesti korang tertanye2..
Ape maksud S tu ?
Ape yang bangga sangat dapat S ?
Btw, S tu maksud nye SPEED :)
Aku buat kerja laju and ikot procedure yang ditetapkan !
Thanks to Kak Anis jugak..
Sebab dier jugak yang ajar aku pasal department cashier ni :)

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Triple S ;)

Triple S ? Beast ?
Kalau triple S kenape video Doojoon & Dongwoon, kan ?
Hahaha. if I write triple S is not all about SS501..
Fyi, It's a ' Sweet Sad Song '.
Got it ? dapat kan ? paham ? understand ? arasseo ?
Hah !

Btw, I'm addicted with this song today :)
Cam tetibe nak dengar kalau buleh sampai tertido.
Kenape sweet ? kenape sad ? kenape song ?
Hahaha :D
Song tu lagu la kan ? kalau tatau jugak aku tatau la kan nak ckp ape..
Then, kenape sad ?
Sebab lagu dier cam mendayu dayu gitu :'(
Nak pulak bile dengar buleh tangkap leleh jugak la..
Cam teringat pulak cinta yang lame lame tu.
Lastly, kenape sweet ?
Dengar je la eh ? Malas nak explain pnjangpnjang..
Nanti buleh terus buat essay kat sini..

The lyric that I love :

'When the door closes, when the image of you disappears,
I'll probably spend the day in tears, because of the memories with you'

'Even if it's the end, I don't want to show my tears'

' My heart has become weak, before I can be with you again'

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Daddeyh !

Annyeong !
Just want to share something..
I think this is the first time ever that I upload my daddeyh picture, kan ?
Btw, 13 January is my dad's birthday :)
Happy Birthday, papa ! Love U ! Miss U !
I thought kalau my dad still alive lagi..
Umur dier skang da 57 years old..
Wahhhh :) But still look young.ehe.

I think this picture took from my dad's phone :)
And I never thought that I have his picture in my lappy.

For papa :)
I love U,pa. always do and always will !
Happy 57th Birthday !

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

나는 그것을 사랑 해요!

Amboi !
Skang da pandai eh tajuk tulis2 Hanguk ni...
btw, just nak share my happiness in the wind ni..
Dapat tau semalam sebenarnya..
But malam ni baru confirm..
Yeayyy !
Esok ade photoshoot with Majalah Klik..
Puropuchi ? puropuchi ?
Ari tu aku da terlepas satu photoshoot with my EX magazine..
Ntah pape je..
Bukan EX yang "TU" okay ?
I mean ex yang slalu I beli ( Majalah Remaja)
Takan ketinggalan zaman punya..
Tapi skang semenjak abes belajar and taka ckup duet ni..
Aku da benti ah beli majalah yang boleh mem-BANKRAP-kan aku..
Bankrap ke ?
But, it's okay !
Yang penting aku dapat masuk majalah kan ?
Walaupun dalam satu mukasurat pon jadi la..
Asalkan ade jugak muke aku ni...
Hahahaha :)
Mesti baby, Minnie, Micky, Eun. HS and JH bangga ngan aku sbb nak ikut jejak langkah diorang..
X buleh blahhhh derrr...

Da la..
Aku ni kalau cite nak smbung byk2 kompom takan abes punye..
Annyeong :D

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

제발 저리가 !

This story is about me pulak..
Yang tadi tu about *ting ting ting ting hu~ha*
X buleh bagitau !
It's secret..not about me..
But about someone else :(
I don't have someone yang like that laa..
Perangai x senonoh !
Syuhhh syuhhh !
Da..jangan cakap pasal ni..
nanti buleh terlepas cakap pulak an ?

Then. this is the story..
Nak cakap yang aku sekarang ni try to forget Mr. VIU yang ensem da comel tu..
Nak tahu kenape ?
Sebenar nya aku pon tatau kenape aku nak lupekan dier..
But, VIU ni da macam bukan yang aku kenal dulu..
Like to laughing, bubbling and mumbling with me..
But right now, he just to far from me..
so far sampai cam nak dekat ngan dier pon da susah..
Ottokhae ?
We were not meant to be ke ?
So. I should cam okay la ! I redha dengan ketentuan Ilahi ? Gitu ?
Then. kalau da kena macam tu, I think I should..
I should and I should forget him ;(
Bye bye My love, VIU !
Just to someone yang dapat menambat hati Mr.VIU ni..
Please, take care of my boyfriend :)
Arasseo ?

영원히 Mr.VIU 당신 사랑 해요 !

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

하느님만이 아는 !

Huh !
Pening kepala tau fikir macam2 masalah yang datang..
Sebenarnya bende ni cam private sikit..
X sesuai cerita kat sini..
Tapi..aku nak luahkan jugak kat sini..
But with hangul :)
Can arr ?

geugeoseun naege chunggyeog sosig..
jigeumeun je eommaga hangsang noteubugeul sayonghago sipeossneunji..
geunyeoneun hangsang geu meongcheongiwa chaeting.
geuligo uri eommaga geu namjaege geunyeoui nache sajineul bonaengeoya?
ottokhae oppa !
geu meongcheongiga uri eommaui insaengeul mangchyeosseo ..
geuneun simjieo geunyeoleul saranghaji anhneun ...
an ara? geuneun danji dangsingwa hamkke nolgo sipeo?
naega dangsini igeose daehae, heo uisighagehalyeomyeon eotteohgehaeyahanayo?
geuligo geu namja .. uli eommaga gage haejuseyo ..
geunyang naebidwo animyeon naega neol jugilgeoya,arasseo ?

Fuhhh !
Penat tau nak translate kan ke Hangul...
Even bende ni aku da luahkan..
But still aku x puas hati lagi..
huargghhh ! ottokhae oppa ?
Just bring me to Hanguk !

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Class :)

Got a good news from Exclusive Fitness meyh !
Nak tau jugak ke ape dier ?
Heheheh.. okay okay !
I'll tell you..nnt kang x bagitau merajuk la pulak kan ?
Tapi..kalau korang da tau mesti korang akan cam cakap..
Adoyai budak ni ! bende tu pon nak teruja sangat..
But, biarlah !
It's a very good news for me :)
Sebenarnye Exclusive Fitness ade hantar meset td..
Just ckp yang class utk minggu ni cancel..
Then, they said that class dance utk minggu depan will start from Monday to Saturday :)
Wowww !
I really love to dance :)
Suke giler..
Kalau macam ni memang aku takan ponteng class la..
Nak pulak da bayar mahal2 then kalau x jumpe Bayu sehari..
Rase x complete hidop ni..
Ceeewaaaahhh !
Maybe sbb aku tade dance step nak buat kan ?
Tanak ah buat bende yang same and buat secara solo..
Bayu ade datang ajar baru la best and meriah kan ?
Tape tape..sabar la okay sampai minggu depan..
Ade 4 hari lagi ni..
Let's countdown !!!

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My New Boyfriends List :D

Well well well :)
Tengok ni..da tukar lagi kan ?
Kompom my BFF cam Kyura, Sunhi, and Eija cam nak mengamuk je..
Chill la kan ?
Nasib je tau tade amek boifies korang..
X ke baek aku ni ?

1. Baby Joon :)
2. Junhyung :)
3. Micky :)
4. Eunhyuk :)
5. HyunSeung :)
6. Minnie :)

Kesian Minnie kan ?
Tapiiii...nak wat camne ??
Kalau buleh nak saje letak sume my boyfies tu sume kat no.1..
And Eunhyuk pon da turun takhta :(

Btw, congrats to my baby :)
You are still my no.1 !
Jagiya ~ Saranghae..

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

The Story Teller :)

Look at this :)
Don't you think that I'm in Starbuck Coffee * again and again *
Nak answer dier ?
Just look at the picture..
It'll answer all you question..
FYI, my favorite place is starbuck..
I love their chocolate cream chip, signature hot chocolate and their java chip :)
Walaupun gambar tu bukan kat Starbuck..
pandai2 la tengok tulisan tu..
x pandai bace ke ?
Wahhh ! statement aku !

Btw, skang ni I online kat Starbuck lg..
Internet kat rumah still macam HARAMMM..
Benci I !
Tatau la ape problem dier..
Padahal bil sume da bayar kot..
Tapi, it's okay..
I love to be here ♥ ♥
You know what ?
I patot nye skang baru je abes dance class..
Disebabkan Bayu ade rehearsal for AJL ni..
So, terpaksa la dibatalkan..
I don't know whether esok and Jumaat ni ade class ke x kan ?
The information yang I dapat..
Minggu depan da start class from Monday to Friday :)
Yeayyy !
sangat teruja tau !
Meaning nye aku buleh dance tiap hari and the important thing..
Aku buleh jumpe Bayu tiap2 hari :)
Erkkk !!!
Kenapa I suke sangat ngan Bayu ?
Eh ! biarlah :) I suke kot tengok Bayu sbb dier comell :)

Hey guys !
Just wanna share with you this picture :)

jeles x ? jeles x ?

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Monday, January 3, 2011

Aha :)

Okay !
Hye everybody..
Skang ni internet kat umah still macam HARAMM..
Then, terpaksa la aku menumpang dok online kt Exclusive Fitness ni...
Lagipun ari ni aku ade dance class..
Skang da pukul berapa x nampak lagi batang hidung si Bayu..
maybe KL jam kot..
Nasib baek aku bawak laptop ni..
Dapat jugak online online ni kan ?
Membuang mase yang terluang and nasib baek jugak yang gym ni ade wireless...

Sebenarnya nak cite pasal tempat kerja..
Urmm..ntah la..
aku da macam 50-50 nak kerja kat situ..
Macam da boring sangat..
Tatau sebab ape..
Maybe banyak sebab kot..
cume aku tatau nak cakap satu2 ape sebab dier..
Aku x sabar nak smbung study..
Tapi bile pikir balik da sedap da aku pegang duet sndiri..
tapi cam aku nak gak cam kawan2 aku sume..
Nak belajar tinggi2 skit..
dapat sampai degree pon da okay tau !

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My day :)

*this is why I'm hot hot*

Kat atas tu statement baekkk punye..
Kompom sape yang bace ni saket mate trus..
Btw, skang ni aku tengah online kat Starbuck depan umah tu *again*

Kenape kat sane ?
sebab starbuck tu la yang paling dekat ngan umah aku..
and at the same time..
starbuck ni la yang ade wifi..
Ekekeke :) Nak harap kan kfc tempat keje aku tu ?
X payah laa..
Buang mase je g sane bawak laptop segala..

mesti korang pelik kan ?
bukan budak ni kat Johor ke ?
okeh okeh..aku akan jawab..
Jangan risau..
Sbenanye aku da balik Setia Alam da..
Sebab esok aku kene kerja..
Pukul 8 stengah tadi aku sampai rumah..
Lagipun cam esok adek, kak nat pe sume ade class and keje kan..
Haishhh ! aku ni kalau x keje aku rase maybe nak tinggal sane lame skit kot..
Bukan ape..
maybe kalau korang tengok tempat nye maybe x best mcm kat shah alam and KL ni..
Ye la kan ?
bukan ade ape sangat pon..
But I have a family kat sane..
My beloved cousin, aunts, uncles, my brother and my sis..
Banyak bende nak cakap sbenanye..
Cume mase x mengizinkan..
Tape la..
len kali buleh kan ?
tapi bileeee ?????

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011 :)

Yeayyyy !
Happy New Year everyone :)
To my bloggie also..
Hehehe :)
New year ni mesti la kebanyakan orang ade azam baru sume kan ?
My new year wish is...





Tu je kot setakat ni..
kalau ade azam baru nanti I bagitau,okeh ?
And I love my new year ni sebab kitorang sume sambut kat Johor..
My hometown sendiri :)
Rindu pulak kan ?
Da lame kot x balik :(
FYI, mak tiri aku a.k.a mak pah menikah at the same time..
Salah satu sebab kitorang balik johor pon sebab tu jugak..
Even dier pernah buat hal..
But its okay la kan kitorang datang tengok sume..
Bukan bende jahat pon :)

And skang ni busy skit..
Sebab we all in the mood of BBQ !!
Yeeeeehaaa !!!

You read ? Thank you very kamsa !